Quick Agency Revenue Tip No 2: Renewals

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Quick Revenue Tip No 2:

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Straight to the value today…

Make a list of clients whose engagements are coming to an end in 30, 60, 90 days and task your team with answering:

  1. Are they happy?
  2. Have we delivered what we promised?
  3. What can we do to exceed their expectations?
  4. What can we offer them?


As the agency owner, jump on a call 60-90 days out from renewal and get real feedback from your client to inform your next move (i.e. what you can offer them).

Not all clients will renew, that’s ok. Try and turn every interaction into:

  • A potential referral
  • A testimonial
  • A case study


Repeat this process once a quarter.

On and up!