Video: How To Source Leads With Hard To Find Requirements

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Sometimes when sourcing leads there isn’t an easy way to build your account list (through databases or scraping).

However, you can automate part of the process.

Difficult lead requirements

In this example, I need to find:

  1. B2B SaaS Companies that offer a free trial, with less than 20 employees
  2. The persona I want find is the founder/co-founder


You’d think that I could simply automate this by searching Google for the keywords “free trial”, “sign up” or “get started” on the website.

Some websites say “Get Started”, but it takes you to a demo form…personally, I hate it when this happens.

In addition, I want to focus on B2B companies and not B2C, which is also hard to automate at scale and maintain accuracy.

If you have requirements like the above, then you may have to have a human make the decision to qualify or disqualify the lead.

It’s not ideal, but by automating the rest of the enrichment, you can still speed up the lead sourcing.

Using Clay to enrich leads

I’m using Clay for this enrichment and if I’m honest, I haven’t spent as much time playing around with it as I would like.

But in Clay I’ve automated:

  1. Taking the company domain and finding out how many employees it has (through Apollo) and finding the Linkedin Company URL
  2. Searching the LinkedIn Company URL for the specific job title I want to target (Founder, Co-Founder etc)
  3. Once a contact has been found, then locating the correct email that I could then add to my sequence.


It’s not perfect, but it saves me several manual steps once I’ve found the right domain.

And to scale this, I would assign this as a task to a VA or similar.

So there you go, perform as little manual research as you can and automate the rest.

Let me know if you have any hard to source leads and I’ll try and come up with a semi-automated solution.

Happy sourcing!