Video: Using A Previous Round Of Funding To Build Your Account List w/ Apollo

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Using a recent funding round can be a great “trigger” for your outreach.

But, it is overused.

Today’s great outbound teams are now using triggers and signals like this to increase the relevancy of their message.

But just like the other cold email tactics, like the “quick question?” subject line, when multiple people start using a tactic, it’s efficacy reduces.

So here’s an alternative take.

Searching for companies that previously raised funding.


I used Apollo to build a list of companies that:

  • Raised Series A funding 18 months to 12 months ago (2.1k results)
  • Have increased their headcount by at least 10% in the last 6 months (366 results)

Rather than blast a message out to all 2000 companies, I can now write a pretty relevant message to the 366 (assuming they fit my ICP and persona).

It’s likely that these companies would have tried and tested new tactics immediately after the raise, but the might be looking for more specialist expertise now – if that’s you, then this is a great tigger to use.

Outbound is a numbers game, but that doesn’t mean that it has to be a volume game!