The A to Z Cold Email Crash Course
Watch my four-part video course which provides a comprehensive guide on launching successful cold email campaigns that generate industry leading reply rates.

Download the workbook
Before you dive into the videos, please make sure you make a copy of the accompanying workbook.
Click here to access the cold email crash course workbook.
Video 1. Prospecting Strategy and Prospects
Before rushing into writing and email and hitting the send button, we first need to plan our cold email campaigns.
In this video we are going to cover the following:
- The overall prospecting strategy and the campaign approach
- A focus on relevancy over personalisation
- The importance of knowing your Ideal Customer Profiles and Buyer Personas
- Domain & Mailbox strategy
This video sets the foundations of your cold email campaign, please don’t skip it.
Video 2. Data and Research
Now that we have a clear idea who our ideal customers and the buyer personas are, we’re ready to start the research phase.
In this video we are going to cover the following:
- The importance of triggers and signals
- Lead research process
- List building options overall prospecting strategy and the campaign approach
- List segmentation strategies
- Email verification and data cleaning
Once this section is complete, we can move onto the Messaging for our cold email campaign.
Video 3. Messaging Copy and Sequences
We know who we’re messaging and we’ve built our lists…now we need to write the email copy.
Notice how this is the 3rd step in the cold email crash course.
This is because we need to complete step 1 and 2, before moving onto the message copy.
In this video we are going to cover the following:
- Writing highly relevant initial emails using frameworks
- Various follow up emails and examples
- Ideal sequence to start with
- Subject lines, CTA’s and spintax best practices
Once this section is complete, we’ll be ready to launch our cold email campaign.
Video 4. Campaign Launch and Optimizations
Ok, we’ve done the hard part, now comes the easiest part. Campaign launch!
In this video we are going to cover the following:
- How to set up a cold email campaign in SendNow
- Monitoring Campaigns
- Optimizing Campaigns
Let’s go!